We would love for you to join us on Wednesday, April 28th for a StoneBridge Family Dinner.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We now have two meeting times!
- Meeting I Schedule: 5:30-6:15 meeting & 6:15-7:00 dinner
- Meeting II Schedule: 6:00-6:45 dinner & 6:45-7:30 meeting
The same information will be shared at both. You will hear from David and our ministry team leaders on what the next few months will look like at StoneBridge as we begin to reopen more fully.
Cost is $5/person for a chick-fil-a dinner ($20 family cap) and there will be childcare for ages birth-5th grade during the meeting portion of the night.
Please sign up if you plan to attend.
CLICK HERE to sign up for 5:30-7:00pm
CLICK HERE to sign up for 6:00-7:30pm