You are currently viewing Advent Devotion: Joy

MONDAY: REVELATION- how is Jesus revealing the God of Joy to you?

    • Read:
      • Psalm 66: 1-2, & 5
      • Luke 2: 8-14
      • Matthew 2: 9-11
    • Watch
    • Reflect
      • What is the joy of the psalmist rooted in?
      • In Luke, the angel describes the birth of Jesus as good news of great joy for all people moving a multitude of heavenly host to praise God. What were the wise men moved to do when they were filled with joy upon finding Jesus?
      • Because of God’s faithfulness we can adopt an attitude of joy and from that our hearts are moved to praise and worship regardless of circumstances. Our joy is determined by God’s great love for us. By remembering his loving care for us which is ultimately complete through the coming of our savior, we can choose to receive and live in joy, a gift of God’s spirit (Galatians 5:22).
      • In what ways do you perceive God revealing his joy to you this advent season?
    •  Pray
      • Father, I pray that you would reveal to me the fullness of your joy as I remember your most awesome deed toward us, the gift of our savior. Holy Spirit move in me to pour out my worship for You, like the psalmist when remembering your deeds of old, the multitude of heavenly host after the angel declared the good news of great joy for all people, and like the wise men when being filled with joy upon finding Jesus bowed down to worship Him.


WEDNESDAY: FORMATION- how is His Joy being formed in you?

Read Acts 13: 44-52 – When Paul and Barnabas were persecuted and driven out of the region they were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Biblical joy is not rooted in circumstance, it is rooted in the hope of God’s love and eternal promise.

  • Reflect
    • Reflect on your heart posture when faced with the sources of happiness in your own life – beautiful and good things, loved ones, children.
    • Reflect on your heart posture when faced with the sources of sorrow in your own life – hardships, poor health, lost loved ones, unrealized or lost hope.
    • In what circumstances are you most tempted to set aside God’s joy to either rest in the happiness of your circumstances (where we’re tempted to build alters) or allow your great sorrows to bring you to misery or despair?
    • Now reflect on the joy that surpasses all understanding, the joy of salvation, the hope of eternal life in right relationship with your Good Father. By remembering God’s great love for us through the gift of our savior we can live full of joy.
    • How can you invite the Lord into those moments to reorient your mind and heart on The Lord, the source of great joy?
  • Pray
    • Father, thank you for the gift of great joy. Forgive me for the times when I have allowed my circumstances to define whether I rest in your joy. Holy Spirit, help me choose joy no matter my circumstances. That I would keep my eyes set on you, the source of great joy, whether I find myself on a mountaintop, in a deep valley, or on the paths between. I recognize that the sources of happiness in my life are made full when I rest in your joy, and that I can choose joy even in the midst of great sorrow. Father, form in me through the power of your Holy Spirit a joyful heart.


FRIDAY: INCARNATION – how is His Joy being expressed through you?

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to bring someone to mind who needs to know God’s Joy
  • Take time to pray for them.
  • Is there something God is leading you to do for this person as an expression of His Joy?