MONDAY: REVELATION- how is Jesus revealing the God of Peace to you?
- Read:
- Ephesians 2
- Watch:
- Bible Project video on Peace:
- Reflect:
- From Ephesians 2 and the video -what is God showing you about His Peace through Jesus?
- Pray:
- In prayer, invite Jesus to be your Peace specifically in any circumstances, relationships, or situations that are stressful for you in this season.
WEDNESDAY: FORMATION- how is His Peace being formed in you?
Romans 8:28-29 says: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Trust and Peace are tied together in the life of faith. Though never easy, when we trust in God in circumstances beyond our control, we are releasing control and inviting God to give us his peace regardless of the outcome of the circumstance.
- Reflect
- How have you experienced God’s peace in your life?
- In what areas of your life do you sense God inviting you to trust him more?
- Pray:
- In prayer, express your desire to be conformed into the image of Jesus. Ask God to show you what areas of your life you are not trusting fully in him. Talk to God about why these areas are difficult to fully trust him. Ask God for his peace to cover the circumstances beyond your control as you practice further trusting him.
FRIDAY: INCARNATION – how is His Peace being expressed through you?
- Ask the Holy Spirit to bring someone to mind who needs to know God’s Peace.
- Take time to pray for them.
- Is there something God is leading you to do for this person as an expression of His Peace?