Over the next 3 weeks (from Jan 11-Jan 31) we want to focus on emptying our hands and asking God to fill our hearts:
- Empty Hands: our arms are usually full and we have a tendency to try and control whatever we are carrying-relationships, opportunities, responsibilities, etc. We want to be intentional about releasing control of those things through surrender and dedication-
- Surrender-giving things up (concerns, future)
- Dedication-giving things over (family, job, business)
- Full Hearts: we spend most of our days just trying to manage and get through. We get so wrapped up in living our life that we lose sight of God’s Kingdom and the things He wants to do in and through us. We want to spend time intentionally seeking God and asking Him to fill our hearts with expectation and anticipation for the things He is inviting us into.
In order to do that we want to create more space to seek the Lord and shift more of our time and attention towards Him. Below are a few suggestions for some ways to engage over the next 21 days:
- Get up a little earlier; stay up a little later
- Personal worship
- Read something inspiring: Chasing the Dragon, Peace Child, Bruchko, Through Gates of Splendor, Christ of the Indian Road, George Mueller of Bristol, Seven Men and the Secret of the Their Greatness
- Fast (a Daniel Fast is one option)
- Come on Tuesday mornings to pray from 6:30-7:30am
- Come on Wednesday nights to pray and worship from 7:00-8:00pm *please register*
We would love everyone to engage at some level and are praying that through this time our hunger for the Lord would increase, we would encounter the Lord in deeper ways, our level of surrender and dedication would increase and we would see breakthroughs in every area of life.