Lent is the 40 days of preparation leading up to Easter. As a sign of repentance and dedication, Christians often choose to either fast from certain foods, abstain from certain activities or incorporate different spiritual practices during these 6 weeks.
Each year we invite you to engage in some things that we do together as a church. Below are several ways we invite you to join us this season to intentionally focus on what Jesus has done for us.
- Practices:
- Fasting/Abstaining
- Weekly Meditations- Ministry to Jesus
- Lent Bible Reading Plan
- Morning Prayer
- Praying for the Lost
- Fasting/Abstaining- During Lent we encourage you to fast certain meals or foods or abstain for certain activities in order to focus more time and energy on God and as a way of acknowledging our hunger for Him. We encourage you to think about how you may participate.
- Weekly Meditations– During Lent we encourage you to take time to meditate on the truths about Jesus found in Isaiah 53. One way to do this is by using the practice of Ministry to Jesus that we talked about in January- a form of worship where you take time to be with Jesus just for the sake of being with Him; directing your thoughts to who He is and focusing on His character and nature.
Each week we will send out a few prompts and a worship playlist to help guide your time if that is helpful. They will go out on Monday mornings so that you can refer back to them throughout the week if you would like. If you don’t currently receive our newsletter you can sign up HERE. - Lent Bible Reading Plan: Click HERE to join a 40 Day Lent Bible reading plan that walks through the last days of Jesus’ life on earth as shared in the Gospel of Matthew. It is available on the You Version app and includes an option to comment and interact with others from StoneBridge who are also using the plan.
- Morning Prayer: Each Tuesday morning we gather for a time of prayer from 6:30-7:30 am and would love for you to join us when you can. The Sanctuary is also open Monday-Thursday from 5:30-6:30 am if you would like to come to the church to pray on your own. Read more HERE
- Praying for the Lost: As we meditate on all that Jesus did for us, we don’t want to forget those who don’t yet know about the greatness of His love and salvation. Take time to pray for those in your life who don’t yet know Jesus as their Savior. Click HERE for a prayer guide you can use if it is helpful.