You are currently viewing Scripture Reading: March 2024
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The Bible is revelation about God. As we read, we learn who He is (His character), what He does, who we are, and what we are supposed to do in response to God and His work.

We encourage you to continue to read through the entire Bible to get a comprehensive view of these things (you can find some reading plans HERE).

In addition, we also want to slow down and really take in His words and internalize the truths in scripture.

Each month we will be focusing on a passage together and will provide some handholds to help us memorize and treasure these things in our hearts.

Below are some suggestions for weekly practices as well as additional resources.

This month we are focusing on Isaiah 53:4-6. 

Although we are memorizing verses 4-6, we encourage you to meditate on the entire chapter as we move towards Easter.

Click HERE for a video of David sharing an overview of the passage.



WEEK ONE: Lectio Divina

Overview: Lectio Divina (or divine reading) is a spiritual practice that serves as a guide for meditating on Scripture in which you slowly and prayerfully read and re-read a text in order to listen and apply God’s word to your life. The goal with this practice is not intellectual knowledge but conversational intimacy with God; you’re not seeking information as much as formation.

Below are two options for Lectio Divina- one is a devotional video guiding you through the passage, and the second is written steps that you can read through and do on your own.

  • Four Steps for Lectio Divina:
    • Read: Read the passage slowly several times, reading it aloud at least once. What words or images is the Holy Spirit highlighting to you as you read? Is there a character you identify with? A moment in the story that captures your attention?
    • Reflect: Re-read the passage, lingering over the person/word/phrase that captured your attention. Consider the phrase or image you noticed and reflect on how it might intersect with your life today. Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal how this passage might be speaking to you (you might find it helpful to journal some of these reflections before continuing.)
    • Respond/Pray: Read through the passage another time, allowing the Scripture to lead you into a prayer/response to God. Talk to God about what has come to mind, and how he might be inviting you to respond. Are you feeling led toward a prayer of praise? repentance? a plea for help or healing?
    • Rest: Rest in the awareness of God’s presence, remaining open to anything else the Holy Spirit might stir in your heart. If your mind wanders, gently redirect your thoughts toward God. Simply be still. Expect nothing. Enjoy a moment of fellowship with God that goes deeper than words. Relax in this moment to be with God, and know you are loved.

WEEK TWO: Scripture Memorization

  • As we memorize and take God’s Word into our hearts, we are able to meditate on it night and day, and abide in Him.
  • Click HERE for a guide to help you memorize the passage this month.


  • Take time each day to worship God for the truths found in Isaiah 53.
  • Click HERE for a few songs to help guide your time in worship


  • Take time each day to use this passage (or a portion of it) as a guide to help you pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into the depth of this passage. As you pray, see yourself and Jesus in these words, letting the reality that is was your sin that he died for impact your heart.