We wanted to share the pray requests we have received from some of the families and organizations we partner with who are working closely with Ukrainian team members and families so you can join them in prayer:
Prayer requests shared by Pavel and Leah (who attend SB) and have friends and family in the Ukraine:
Pray for the innocent people being killed on the streets of Kiev. Pray that God would convict the hearts of the soldiers and they would lay down their weapons
Pray that the Russians would let those people leave the country – create a Green Corridor.
Pray that Europe would close the air space so Russians could not use missiles to destroy the areas where there are people.
There is incredible amount of fear from the bombing. Pray God’s perfect love would cast out all fear and that the Ukrainians would see God’s hand of protection over their lives.
Sergey’s Family is safe and he is now helping people cross the border to Poland. Pray for safe passage and for provision for these families
Take time to listen and ask God for strategic prayers. Sergey encouraged us to keep praying- they feel our support
Prayer requests from Cory and Jessie German-one of our families currently serving in Hungary with Cru. They have many team members in Ukraine:
Ukraine has announced “total mobilization” meaning that all men ages 18-60 are not allowed to cross the border anymore. Please pray for families that are having to make the painful decision of either staying in country together in the midst of these attacks or having to separate.
Many staff families have decided to stay to help with the country’s defense efforts. While several others are trying to relocate, either in other parts of the country or to neighboring countries. Please pray for their safety, protection, and wisdom for how they can best help their country or seek help outside Ukraine for themselves and their families.
There have been continued airstrikes and ground attacks around the country with lots of civilian casualties. Please pray for these families and the heavy losses they are experiencing.
Pray for Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as he and his family have been mentioned as primary targets in this attack.
Please pray for wisdom for our global political leaders as they try to navigate getting Russia to back down and keep this war from escalating further. Sanctions from the EU and other countries globally are not stopping this attack. So pray for their wisdom of what to do next and how to best help the people of Ukraine.
Almost 2000 Russians have protested this invasion and are being unjustly detained. Please pray for their safety and quick release from authorities.
Prayer requests sent from E3 Partners -the organization Susan Kelly works with:
Pray for refuge. Ukraine views itself as a Christian nation; an estimated 78% of adults identify as Orthodox Christian. With the country under attack, please pray that God will be the fortress and shield of Ukrainian followers of Jesus, and that He will protect His church and use it to accomplish His purposes in the midst of this horror.
Prayer verse: Praise be to the Lord my rock my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge – Psalm 144:1-2
Pray for those in authority. World leaders, local authorities, and church leaders are all facing many difficult decisions at the present moment. Additionally, the neighboring countries in Eastern Europe are preparing for a potential surge of Ukrainian refugees. Ask God to help these leaders respond to this crisis with wisdom, godliness, and holiness.
Prayer verse: I urge that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority – 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Pray for peace. As we pray for this evil and unnecessary aggression to end, ask God to let the unsurpassed peace of Christ rule in the hearts of all men.
Prayer verse: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful – Colossians 3:15