Marietta, Georgia

675 Tower Road

Sundays  8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 am

What Should I Expect?


Services begin with a welcome followed by a time of worship. Afterwards our Pastor, David Eldridge, will teach from the Bible. 


Our Adult Discipleship Pastor, Matt Nelson, would love to meet you, answer your questions, and share how you can get plugged into our church.


We’re pretty casual­. You’ll see more jeans and shorts than coats and ties.


We’re glad you are visiting us and we do not expect visitors to give to us.  


Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:15 am

Children & Youth Ministries

StoneBridge Kids

Infants - 5th Graders

Our children’s ministry, SB Kids, is available each Sunday for children ages from birth to 5th grade.

When you arrive on Sunday, please go to the east entrance (by the bridge) to check-in.

Learn More

StoneBridge Youth

6th - 12th Graders

StoneBridge Youth, or 1:16 Youth, includes 6th - 12th graders and meets on Sunday nights from 5 - 7 p.m. at the church.

On Sunday mornings, middle school students (6th - 8th grade) will join us for worship in the Sanctuary. At both the 9:30 and 11:15 services, middle schoolers will be invited to join our Youth Pastors after worship for their own message in the Youth room.

Learn More

Get The App!

Download the Church Center App to stay connected to StoneBridge and get access to watch a service, register for events, give online, and join a small group. 



675 Tower Road
Marietta, GA 30060

Contact Us
