Learning More about StoneBridge
If you've been attending StoneBridge for just a few weeks or a few years and would like to become more invested in our church, a good first step is to attend the next Foundations Class. Foundations is a two-part class on two consecutive Sunday mornings where we'll cover the history of StoneBridge, our vision, and the core values that we desire to see in the lives of our church family.
Become a Member
We define members at StoneBridge as people who consider us their home church, align with our vision to see our community transformed, and desire to grow in our four anchors. Whether you've been attending StoneBridge for just a few weeks or a few years, if you would like to make StoneBridge your home church by becoming a member we ask you to read our Statement of Faith and our Expectations of Members and Church Leadership. After reading these documents, if you'd like to become a member and make StoneBridge your home church, you can sign up as an official member of our church community by filling out the form on our Membership Page.
Questions? Contact our Adult Discipleship Pastors, Matt Nelson and Vanessa Chavez.

Take a look at StoneBridge's Expectations of Members & Leadership
As a local expression of the universal Body of Christ, StoneBridge Church is comprised of all people who have chosen to be grafted in to this fellowship. This grafting is both a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit and a real commitment made by individuals. As an expression of this commitment and in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, members of StoneBridge will:
- Regularly participate in corporate worship;
- Contribute financially to StoneBridge;
- Regularly serve at StoneBridge;
- Engage in the disciple-making ministries of StoneBridge;
- Adhere to the discipline process (see StoneBridge Bylaws Article Fourteen) carried out by the Senior Pastor and leadership of StoneBridge in matters of conduct and doctrine;
- Participate in the process of confirming a new Senior Pastor should the occasion arise (for a description of the voting rights of members of StoneBridge Church, please refer to the StoneBridge Church Bylaws Article Seven).
- Pastor them as they seek to be conformed to the image of Jesus (Romans 8:29);
- Equip them for the good works God has created them to do (Eph. 2:10, Eph. 4:11-13);
- Create opportunities for them to worship God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23).
If you would like to be a member at StoneBridge Church, please indicate your understanding of these commitments and your willingness to honor them by accepting below.