We are excited to announce our annual OneCamp Golf Classic will be on Monday, May 13, 2024. Every year, proceeds from this tournament provide scholarships for students who need financial assistance to attend OneCamp. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your generosity and support. To get a glimpse into what camp is like check out this video:

The cost per foursome is $600. To learn more and sign up to play in the tournament click HERE to register.
$2,500 Gold Title Sponsor:
- Includes a foursome, and your company name and information will be displayed on every hole, presented to every golfer, and on the Sponsors Banner in the clubhouse on the day of the tournament.
$1,500 Silver Sponsor:
- Includes a foursome, and your company name and information will be displayed on one of the holes, as well as on the Sponsors Banner in the clubhouse on the day of the tournament.
$500 Bronze Sponsor:
- Your company logo will be displayed on one of the holes, as well as on the Sponsors Banner in the clubhouse on the day of the tournament. Does not include a foursome.
To become a sponsor, email Mallory and include the following information:
- Register HERE or by clicking the button above.
- Please also email Mallory@stonebridgmarietta.org with your company’s logo as a high quality png or jpeg transparent image.
If would like to donate to our OneCamp scholarship fund, use the links above. Any and all donation amounts are greatly appreciated and one hundred percent go towards OneCamp. Thank you for helping make OneCamp possible!